Botox & Restylane

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Dr. Ahmad is a big fan of botox. It is a great medication both for cosmetic purposes and facial spasms. Dr. Ahmad has been injecting botox since 1995. Botox is a neurotoxin made from a bacteria. It works by paralyzing muscles it is injected into. Since 1980, Botox has been used to treat muscle disorders, and in 1987 was introduced for cosmetic use. The risk of botox injections are very minimal.

Cosmetic Uses

Botox is very effective in decreasing lines in the upper third of the face which includes the forehead, glabella (the 11’s) and corners of the eyelids (crows feet). These injections not only reduce wrinkling but more importantly open the eyelid area!! Botox injections decrease the muscle activity around the eyelids giving the appearance of open, youthful and rested eyes. The injections work best on patients with wrinkling that is due to muscle activity and not from aging, sun exposure or smoking. Every patient is different and the amount needed varies depending on the amount of muscle activity and overall effect trying to be achieved.

Botox is given through a tiny needle, and it takes up to three to seven days to see the treatment take into effect. The botox treatment can generally last around three to four months. Depending on the individual, If treatment is repeated the muscle can become thin, and longer results can occur.

Some of the areas that Dr. Ahmad commonly treats are the lines between the eyebrows, above the eyebrow, corners of the eyes, underneath the lower eyelids, and lines on the forehead. Most patients look the most natural when they still have some muscle activity especially in the forehead area. Dr. Ahmad will try his best to make you look more awake, and refreshed in a natural fashion.

The risks of botox injections include bruising form the injection, numbness, inability to close the eyelids fully, eye irritiation, dryness of the eye, drooping of the upper eyelid, and double vision.

Patients who take daily aspirin or ibuprofen (nonsteroidals) should discontinue these prior to botox injections as this will help limit the amount of bruising after injections.

Medical Uses

Blepharospasm and Hemifacial Spasm

Botox injections are very helpful for patients with facial dystonias(spasms). Patients with facial spasms can be debilitated from these facial movements especially because of the eyelid twitiching. Eyelid twitching can cause blurry vision and in some cases patients eyelids will completely close! Patients who have both right and left sided eyelid spasms may have Blepharospasm. Blepharospasm of the eyelids can be caused by some ocular irritation but in most patients it is from a central brain problem. Patients who have eyelid spasm only on one side of the face are diagnosed with Hemifacial spasm. Hemifacial spasm patients should have a MRI of the brain prior to injections to evaluate the brain.

Both blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm patients have great success with botox injections. The injections may not eliminate all the spasms but in the good majority of patients the spasms are considerably reduced. The risks of botox injections include drooping of the upper eyelid, inability of the eyelids to close fully, eye irritation or dryness, tearing, bruising from the injections and in a small percentage double vision.


Restylane, otherwise known as a soft filler tissue, helps to restore a more youthful appearance. Restylane works to improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, hollow cheeks, and plump lips.

As we age we lose facial volume. If you look at pictures of yourself as a teenager you will notice how full and plump your face was. As we age we lose our youthful fullness in all areas of our face, around our eyes, in our cheeks and around our lips. Facial fillers improve our appearance by re-establishing some of the natural fullness of the face. Restylane can be injected into the lower eyelid area (tear trough) to decrease some of the darkness of the eyelid. It can also be injected into the midface in the nasolabial folds and into the lips themselves.

Most of the facial fillers are injected into the dermis of the skin. Topical numbing agents and even injections of local anesthetics may be used to decrease the pain on injection. Some of the fillers do have lidocaine in them so that only the first injection is felt.

Bruising can occur during injections especially around the eyelid area. Patients should discontinue all blood thinners including aspirin and nonsteroidals. Patients who bruise easily should tell Dr. Ahmad prior to filler injections. Patients who have history of multiple allergies or history of rheumatologic diseases may not be good candidates for facial fillers. Dr. Ahmad will review your past medical history prior to any injections.

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