


Why Are My Eyebrows Not Symmetric?

By: Daisy Burke RN Amjad Ahmad MD

Symmetry is one of the most important features of a beautiful face. The more symmetric each side of the face and eyelids are, the more a face is considered beautiful. The truth is that no face is completely symmetric. It is our asymmetry that gives us our own look.

If you notice, our eyebrows are not at the same height. In general, one eyebrow is higher than the other. In children who are born with a droopy eyelid, you will notice that the eyebrow on the side of the droopy eyelid is higher. The child is unconsciously using the brow to elevate the droopier eyelid.

In children and adults who have normal functioning eyelids, the eye with the sharper vision (the dominant eye) will usually have the higher eyebrow. As we age, the slight asymmetry becomes more apparent. The upper eyelid that most patients dislike, unbeknownst to them, is the side with the heavier eyebrow. This eyebrow issue must be discussed with the patient.

If the patient is not bothered by the asymmetry we don’t address the issue. If the patient is bothered aesthetically we offer them multiple non invasive and invasive options including neurotoxins( botox), surgical brow elevation and Asymmetric upper eyelid surgery.

These details in the surgical planning are what makes Dr. Ahmad and Daisy’s patients extremely happy! Please come to see us for a consultation.

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